Find Local Utility Service

  • Water/Sewer/Garbage

    The towns of Grand Coulee, Electric City, Coulee Dam, Elmer City, and Nespelem each provide water, sewer, and garbage services for their respective towns. Call your city/town municipality to set up water/sewer/garbage if you live within city/town limits.

    If you live outside city/town limits, you will need to call:

    Unincorporated areas of Grant and Lincoln County: Sunrise Disposal 509.633.0100

    Okanogan County: Nespelem City Hall 509.634.4691

  • Electricity

    Electricity is provided by your county Public Utility District, though it varies somewhat by town and county:

    Grant County PUD (servicing all of Electric City, all of Grand Coulee, some of Lincoln County off SR 174, and western Coulee Dam) 509.766.2505

    Nespelem Valley Electric Co-op (servicing east Coulee Dam and small communities from eastern Coulee Dam north to Nespelem) 509.634.4571

  • Cell Phone Service

    While there is some crossover in service areas, AT&T service is strongest (4G and LTE) in Grand Coulee, Electric City, and Nespelem, while Verizon is strongest in Coulee Dam, Grand Coulee, and parts of Electric City. If you live in Coulee Dam and have AT&T, you may want to talk with AT&T about hardware options for boosting cell coverage in your home through your Internet service. T-Mobile is the newest service provider to the area and works in Coulee Dam, Grand Coulee, and Electric City.

  • Internet and Phone Service

    Depending on where you live, you may get to enjoy what Grant County PUD calls “the fastest internet in the nation”. If you live in Grant County, go to or call 800.422.3199 to find out if high-speed fiber optic service is available for you and a list of fiber service providers.

    Non-fiber Internet options include the following:

    -Coulee Internet Services offers high-speed wireless broadband internet across Grant, Lincoln, Okanogan, and Douglas counties. They specialize in offering quality internet connections to areas without any other comparable choices. 509.720.7627 |

    -Centurylink offers DSL service in most of the Grand Coulee area. 888.650.6750 |

    -iFiber offers DSL service in Coulee Dam and the Geostar/Columbia Springs area. 866.284.3842 |

    -HughesNet and others offer satellite to Belvedere, Seaton’s Grove, and outlying areas along SR 174.

    -LocalTel 509.888.8888 | Spectrum 1.855.242.8892

    -Starlink offers high-speed, low latency service, which is made possible via the world’s largest constellation of highly advanced satellites operating in a low orbit around the Earth. Covers all of the Grand Coulee area.

  • Recycling

    While curbside recycling is not yet available in the Grand Coulee Dam area, many local places allow you to recycle many types of items, including the following:

    -Coulee Hardware

    416 Midway Ave Grand Coulee


    Materials accepted: household rechargeable batteries

    -Coulee Recycling

    Alcan Rd NE, Grand Coulee | 509-633-2175

    Hours: Wednesday-Saturday, 12 pm-4 pm

    Materials accepted: metals such as copper, brass, aluminum (currently not buying iron or cans), radiators, automotive batteries

    -Delano Regional Transfer Station

    22151 Alcan Rd. NE | 509-633-0100

    Hours: March 1-Oct. 31 8 am-12 pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday; Saturday 8 am-3 pm; Nov 1-Feb 28 Tuesday & Thursday 8 am-4 pm; Saturday 8 am-3 pm

    Materials accepted: clean appliances free, appliances with freon compressors (fee), tires large and small (fee), cardboard .02/lb, mixed paper, #1 and #2 plastics (no twist on lids), Tin cans (cleaned and rinsed) and aluminum cans (cleaned and rinsed)

    -Nespelem Recycling Center

    64 Schoolhouse Loop Road, Nespelem

    509-634-2416, 509-634-2158

    Hours: 8 am-4 pm Monday-Friday

    Materials accepted: paper, newspaper, magazines, cardboard, plastic #1 &2, aluminum and steel cans, small and major appliances, air conditioners, metals, fluorescent lights

    E-cycling: computers, TVs, cell phones, wires, toner cartridges, portable CD players


    320 Midway Ave, Grand Coulee

    Hours: 6 am-12 pm

    Materials accepted: plastic grocery bags

    -Senior Center

    203 Main Street, Grand Coulee


    Materials accepted: aluminum cans and other aluminum, eyeglasses, hearing aids, used clothing

    Collection locations at Senior Center, Safeway, Harvest Foods, Seaton’s Grove

    -Harvest Foods Bakery and Deli

    304 Mead Way, Coulee Dam, WA 99116


    Materials accepted: aluminum cans and other aluminum, eyeglasses, hearing aids, used clothing

    -Loyal Order of the Moose, #504

    216 Continental Heights, Grand Coulee, WA 99133


    Materials accepted: shoes

  • Recycling Opportunities Nearby

    -Ephrata Landfill Recycling

    Drop-off at the landfill south of Ephrata just off Hwy 28


    Hours: Monday-Friday 7:30-am-3 pm, Saturday 10 am-3 pm

    Materials accepted: mixed waste paper (newspaper, envelopes, magazines & catalogs, telephone, books, file folders, office & computer paper), corrugated cardboard, glass bottles, jars (all colors), aluminum cans, automobile and household batteries (including recyclable), used, motor oil (5-gallon maximum), used antifreeze, refrigerators $7.25 each, washers, dryers, dishwashers (fee by weight), scrap metal 28.80/ton

    -Ephrata Recycling Drop-Off

    Alder St. near the bus station, Ephrata, WA

    Materials accepted: mixed paper (newspaper, envelopes, magazines & catalogs, telephone, books, file folders, office & computer paper), corrugated cardboard, aluminum cans, glass, bottles and jars, automobile and household batteries, used oil

    -Lincoln County Recycling Center

    3.5 miles west of Davenport on State Route 2

    Drop-off bins

    Materials accepted: corrugated cardboard, aluminum cans, plastic (pop, water, juice, milk, detergent bottles), newspaper, inserts, magazines, white paper

    -Lincoln County Transfer Station

    3.5 miles west of Davenport on State Route 2


    Hours: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 9 am-5 pm

    Materials accepted: tires (fee), appliances (has or ever had freon) fee, appliances (all other), free, metals, household chemicals

    -Okanogan County Recycle Center

    2241 B&O North Road, Okanogan


    Materials accepted: newsprint, office paper, waste paper (including pop & cereal boxes, junk, mail, colored paper), magazines (boxed or tied), plastic jugs (clear and light green, milk jugs), aluminum cans, copper, brass, clean aluminum, radiators, automobile and household batteries, used motor oil

    -Spokane Waste to Energy Plant

    2900 S. Geiger, Spokane


    Hours: 7:30 am-5 pm 7 days a week except major holidays

    Materials accepted: plastic #1&2, mixed plastic #3-7 including garden pots, corrugated, cardboard, mixed paper (including cereal boxes, junk mail, egg cartons), aluminum and tin cans, newspapers, magazines, phone books, glass bottles (no plate glass, ceramics or drinking glasses), metals (iron, copper, brass), Hazardous materials accepted: household cleaners, gasoline, oil, antifreeze, pool cleaner, pesticides, automotive and household batteries, fluorescent and CFL bulbs, oil-based paint

    For locations accepting Fluorescent CFL &HID bulbs, visit

    Begin your own recycling program by setting up a place at your home to collect the material and drop it off at one of the listed sites when heading in that direction.

    Future recycling plans include locating partitioned bins in the coulee to collect recyclable materials to be transported to a recycling center. If you are interested in helping bring expanded opportunities to our area, contact the Chamber office.